Walk from Doynton

Keeping local due to the corona virus restrictions decided on a 3 and a half mile walk starting from Doynton. Heading out of Doynton village past the village hall the first gate is found on the left on Toghill Lane. Cross the next couple of fields keeping to the left hedge line until reaching a gate leading to a lane directly in front. Turn right and go through another gate and turn left following the hedge line on the left. Eventually you will cross a pair of small timber bridges and a gate leading to a field directly in front. In front in this field a steep hill is followed to the top where an opening is found where you turn left and follow the edge of the field to reach another gate where you continue following the hedge on the left. Eventually turn right and follow another incline with the woods on your left. At the top of the hill follow the hedge around to the left to find the entrance to an ancient woodland.

The well worn path snakes down through the woods which in late spring has a beautiful abundance of wild garlic and is on the famed Cotswold Way.

After walking down to the bottom of the path in the woods, we then returned to Doynton following the path we had set out on.

During the walk we saw young deer, an adult hare and a buzzard and enjoyed a peaceful, pleasant Sunday morning stroll.

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