Leigh Woods National Nature Reserve

After a heavy day of celebrations some fresh air and exercise was in urgent need. We headed off across Bristol towards Clifton and after paying the £1 bridge toll we crossed the Clifton suspension bridge and headed towards Portishead on the A369. Just after the traffic lights and turning to the left B3129 is a […]


My last day in North Devon started with a good breakfast for me and Luna before departing Brightlycott Barton for a morning walk at Watersmeet. We had walked along this stretch of water yesterday and decided to go back and take some photos of this scenic area. After around 30 minutes drive towards Lynmouth we […]

Lynton and Lynmouth

After breakfast we headed out around 9am towards Lynton. In around 25 minutes we were parked and with my rucksack filled with sandwiches and refreshments, camera bag over my shoulder and Luna on the lead we headed towards the valley of the rocks to the start of our walk following in the footsteps of the […]